Benefits of Upright MRI


Only true Open MRI

The Upright MRI is the only MRI scanner than can scan patients in any position, including sitting, standing, bending (for flexion and extension) or lying down.

The Upright MRI, enables the patient to place himself in the position that generates the pain so that images can be acquired in that very position. Correctly identifying the pain-generating pathology can mark improve patient surgical outcomes. It enables the surgeon to see all the pathology he has to address, not just the single-position. The magnet’s front-open and top-open design provides an unprecedented degree of comfort and easily accommodates large patient’s over-350-pound. (upto 160 Kg)

  • Scans patients in flexion, extension, including sitting, standing, bending
  • Scans patients in sitting or standing positions
  • Provides additional information with 11 times gravity on the spine.


Upright MRI for Claustrophobic Patients & Kids

The extraordinary patient-friendly environment of the scanner, especially for claustrophobic and kids, brings a unique experience for patients that have MRI-phobia. Young children are frequently anesthetized for their MRI scans in order to prevent motion artifacts with our system children can sit comfortably watching TV in the Upright MRI Scanner.

  • Scans Children, Who Sit In Their Mother’s Lap
  • Requires No Anesthesia
  • Avoids Exposure Of Children To X-Rays.
  • An unobstructed view from inside the magnet.
  • There is nothing in front of the patient's face.